Rogers Boat Shop


Its only 4 sleeps till the Yamaha NZ Festival of Freeride 4 kicks off and it’s going to be a big week prepping. The excitement is building fast.

Its with great pleasure that we can announce the return of Rogers Boatshop for the FoF4. Their support over the last couple of years has been fantastic and they will be back again with another delicious offering for everyone at the event. We are really looking forward to having the Rogers crew back at the event.

Jetski Junk


It is with great pleasure that we can announce Jetski Junk as a key sponsor of the Yamaha NZ Festival of Freeride 4. Jetski Junk is one of New Zealands most prominent online PWC parts and accessories retailers. They offer a great range for your watercraft that includes an awesome selection of freeride gear. Just head to and check out their range.

Farnleys Jetskis

Farnleys Logo

Its always fantastic to have new sponsors each year, and its our pleasure to announce that Farnley’s Jetskis Auckland have jumped on board to support the Yamaha NZ Festival of Freeride 4. Farnley’s Jetskis are now a dealer for Krash Industries and will be stocking their parts and accessories. Make sure you have chat to James and the team at the event. For more info check out



member store logos

Great news for the event. Rotoma ITM have signed on board for the Yamaha NZ Festival of Freeride 4. Its fantastic to have their support. If you’re in the market for building materials, big or small, then call them. Good on ya ITM!!!



With the national public holiday for Waitangi day drawing to a close here in New Zealand its an opportune time to welcome back NZ’s own freeride parts supplier to the Yamaha Festival of Freeride 4. KP Parts has a wide range of affordable and essential parts for your freeride ski. You can check out the range of product at


The Army


Krash Industries have just dropped this dope video of their riders, and the essence of the sport, from footage shot at the recent Daytona Freeride. Which make it perfect timing as well to welcome them back as a sponsor of the Yamaha NZ Festival of Freeride 4. Krash Industries have been involved since the inception of the FoF and have always supported the event generously. It is awesome to have their continued support. Krash is one of the major brands of aftermarket freeride hulls and composite accessories. You can check them out at their website or on their FB page Krash Industries

Enjoy the video….



The purveyor of everything Blaster is on board for the Yamaha NZ Festival of Freeride 4. 701 Industries is back again. They have been with the event since its inception and their continued support is greatly appreciated. Dave will be back as well with his huge array of products to showcase so make sure you check out what he’s got going on!! Check out 701 Industries at

OPW Back in the game


They’re back again. Otago Personal Watercraft (OPW) have jumped on board as sponsors of the Yamaha NZ Festival of Freeride 4. Otago Personal Watercraft are a specialised, one stop personal watercraft shop based 20mins from Dunedin. Steve and Deanne Amende have been an integral part of the South Island freeride scene and its great to have their support. You’ll be able to check out Steve’s new Falcon hull at the FoF4. For more info you can head to Otago Personal Watercraft on FB or

An American Flavour

FoF4 Gomez Release LR

Believe it or not, we are now just under 5 weeks away till the Yamaha NZ Festival of Freeride 4 kicks off big time at Karioitahi Beach. It’s coming round fast. Entires have been flooding in and sponsors are clambering to be involved. It is going to be an absolute smash hit!!
In breaking news this week we are pumped to announce that Mark Gomez, 2015 IFWA World Champion, will be in attendance at the FoF. Thanks to the generosity of a few the champ will be tearing up the mighty west coast surf with you all. Watch out!!
Marks’ riding is next level and extremely energetic, a absolute pleasure to watch. To win the IFWA World Tour, let alone on his rookie year in that competition, is a testament to his ability and passion for the sport. Everyone will have the chance to get out there and ride with him, get a few tips along the way, and after all of that you can join in a bit of banter with him over a beer or two at the pub.
Bring on the Yamaha NZ Festival of Freeride 4!!
p.s. Entries are open for another week so if you haven’t entered better get onto it. Link above in the menu.